Halu Gamashi was born in Bahia, Brasil and is, par excellence, a citizen of the world. Therapist for more than 25 years and creator of body and subtle energy therapeutic technics, Halu minister classes, conferences and workshops on subtle body anatomy, chakras, auric field, astrosophy, philosophy, health and human behavior in several cities of Brazil and Europe. Halu developed a line of products – called Maberu – that has been helping patients and improving their quality of life. Initiated in ancestral cultures, narrate in her books the expansion of the cosmic consciousness and the spontaneous opening of her chakras.
As a result of her experiences in the Spiritual World, Halu developed seventy terapeutic technics which aim the harmony and the balance in the physical, emotional and spiritual body through the alignment of the chakras.
The word “chakra” means, in sanskrit, “wheel”. They are energy gates with a lot of functions. They could be defined as energetic radars tuning the frequencies between the Physic Body, the Perispirit and the Soul, synchronizing with the Universe the product of this relationship. Distributing through the body the subtle energy that they pick up from the universe.
Halu have already published more than 10 books in Brazil and Portugal, among them:
Caminhos de um aprendiz;
O Plano inverso;
Chakras, a história real de uma iniciada;
Chakras, the true history of a medium;
Clandestina, o resgate de um destino;
Conde Vlado, um alquimista em busca da eternidade;
A Hermenêutica de Deus e o Código Original;
Meditando com a Consciência Suprema;
O Livro dos Sonhos Cabalísticos.
She has focused her work in Nossa Chácara, in the surroundings of São Paulo, and in the pilgrimages around the world following the Paths of The Grail.
“I think I did not choose to dedicate my life to the spiritual life. Now I know that I had made this commitment before incarnating. I reached this conclusion when I was twenty-nine although, the idiosyncrasies and the peculiarities which were naturally awaken in myself since I was born, led some of my relatives to look for a remedy in the spirituality . Seeing me ill, the doctors, could not reach a diagnosis different from “atypical disease”, which my family heard since I was tree years old. The door for them to open themselves to look for the spirituality to cure my physical illnesses was the absence of hope, the scare of seeing me dead, and this became a habit: I got ill, the doctors could not find a diagnosis and my family took me to a spiritual house trying to reestablish my physical health. Afraid of being excluded from the society they lived, they did it hidden. It was like this until I was eighteen, when I found out I did not need to get ill: these illnesses were atypical rheumatic fever, paralysis of the kidneys, small strokes. I found out that I could not use spirituality only as a remedy, I had to know more, refine my energies and align myself.
They told me that the spirituality had a Project for me. I confess that at eighteen, being yet very ignorant about spirituality, I felt myself invaded and I thought: “How does it work? The spirituality has a project for me? I wanted to have a Project for myself.”
However, despite of this questioning, I decided to stay and during nine years I lived in a farm-school where I was initiated in the knowledge and in the White Magic of the elements of nature, the Water, the Earth, the Fire, the Air, the Wood, the Rivers, the Waterfalls. As it was an ancestral “Iorubá” Culture house, they called the Sea, “Iemanjá”, the fresh Waters, “Oxum”, the Earth and the Fire, “Ogum”, the female fire, “Iansã”, the male fire, “Xangô” – this is a long story -. It was not a religious house, it was a house that studied the influence of the nature’s energies upon us, human beings, and for this reason it was not a house of “Candomblé” or “Umbanda”, it was more devoted to the knowledge and medicine than to the myths and mystifications of the elements of nature.
When I was twenty-eight I left this house because they told that everything they could have taught me have already been taught, that I was ready to canalize with the Spirituality, that would teach me other things, other initiations. And I found out, knowing this Spirituality at twenty-nine, the reason why all of my life been near the energies of Nature and Spirituality.
This path of mine would not be as hard If my family were not so prejudiced, however, knowing myself as I do, it is good that it was the way it was because now I recognize: I have really incarnated with a spiritual commitment, and if I fought that much against the prejudices of my family, it is because there was a very strong internal call bringing me closer and deeper into Spirituality.
Unfortunately, in our planet, the spiritual matters, and, mainly, the spiritual intelligence, is treated with disrepute, banality, superficiality and irony, mainly due to the behavior of the majority of the mediums that values much more the phenomenon than its meanings.
I always understood the phenomenon in myself as a mutation, the growth of a subtle organ that opened my channels to more important learnings. This was the value I gave to the phenomena: they needed to happen to originate mutations in my physical body making the information accessible. Today I am sure that if I had chosen to stop in the phenomena, using them as a way of convincing others – what they call of morbid exposal – I would have not achieved my mission of reaching out a communication that, I repeat, I feel myself in the obligation, duty and right of sharing with as many who want to read or listen.
This is my way of loving my path, of loving God above all things, of loving my neighbor as myself.
Halu Gamashi