Founded by Halu Gamashi in 2002, “Nossa Chácara” is a therapeutic community that works for self-knowledge through Culture, Study, Art and several therapeutics held under the direction of Halu:
“When I created “Nossa Chácara”, it was the accomplishment of a task. Creating a space where people could experience living collectively.
I believe that working for the process of spiritualization and humanization goes through developing tolerance, patience and Love for the others.
Families stimulate this learning through consanguineous relationships.
I have been given the task of bringing people together to encourage the Fraternity among the ones the system has led to believe there is no connection between them. Loving other people with the family bound relies on the feeling that naturally grows.
Living with “strangers”, developing tolerance and affection is to build a Spiritual Homeland. Fifteen years have passed, we went through many moments, inherent difficulties of the process have happened. It is the natural selection.
Complicity, affinity, receptivity and reciprocity refined, in the course of time, related essences in pursuit of a goal. I am happy with the task and now I know that “Nossa Chácara”, in each time, accomplishes its function.In this cycle we are more mature, strengthened with the acquired victories.
I’m still ahead of “Nossa Chácara” working for self-knowledge. Today, more than ever, I know that: Who doesn’t know itself, doesn’t know anybody.
All of our gatherings, courses and work have one direction: to improve the life quality through Love and Comprehension, stimulating the growth of the Spiritual Homeland, where in fact we are all a Big Family.”
Halu Gamashi
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